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about me!!!

headsup, this chunk of writing youre about to lay your eyes upon is a total MESS. one day ill have it all nice and organized.

thanks for clicking on my about me! its not done. sorry!

hey hey!! my name is cyan, as you might already know. i had a short little about me on my main page. im a wizard, btw, and using my tricky spells i formed this website. yup. wizardly staff in hand, wizardly hat on head, wizardly cloak on my back, i formed flowerpower89.neocities.org. i have a lot of interests; clearly, i cant even hold one theme on my website. i change my mind every 3 seconds to what my current interest of the week is. my NUMBER ONE INTEREST is littlebigplanet, because of course it is! this website is made because of littlebigplanet. i wanted to share my love of littlebigplanet across every platform. so making a website is the obvious thing to do.
i like music, also, hence why i have a music page, that when i replace those tedious gophers you see to the left of your screen, you can CLICK there and itll TAKE YOU to the MUSIC PAGE. but now it just takes you to the wizardly backrooms cove right now.
i love the internet, not to sound like a dweeb. but i really do! making a website is really fun because i get to meet all of YOU GUYS READING THIS and even soometimes make a friend while doing so!!!! one day ill have a little section on my mainpage thatll showcase all of the websites that are in my following or follwer list.
im a big fan of the playstation device. i have a ps3 in which i only play littlebigplanet and gta on, and i have a psvita that i play tearaway on.

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